The government proposed a well-liked tax structure known as GST(Goods_Services Tax). It is a form of tax specifically created for goods and services, as the name implies. People are generally responsible for paying a number of taxes, including the VAT (Value Added Tax), as well as customs duty, excise duty, service tax, and octroi. To form a GST, the aforementioned levies were combined. When compared to an indirect tax, the rate of the goods and services tax is fairly low at 0% to 28%.
Dual GST: On the same basis, the Centre and the States will tax GST simultaneously along the whole value chain. On every provision of products and services, a tax will be imposed.
Bringing all the Indirect Taxes under one umbrella, GST is a comprehensive indirect tax that is specially designed to eliminate cascading effects.
The entire GST Registration process is simple & can be made online with easy tax filing and documentation
GST holds a provision for online payments & compliances. This makes GST more accountable and regulated.
When submitting an application for registration, due consideration should also be given to
factors such the kind of registration, the date of registration, the locations of businesses to be
included, the choice of HSN/SAC code, etc. This calls for the help of experts who can direct
you in registering, and our team will aid in registering and resolving numerous registration-
related concerns. The registration service offers registration change and revocation.
We at Taxspare will additionally assist in the department officer's physical inspection of the
business location after registration.